(636) 327-7177 1006 Schroeder Creek Blvd. Wentzville, MO 63385
Open hours: Mon: 8a-4p Tue: 8a-3:30p Wed: 8a-5p Thur: 8a-3:30p Fridays (for phone calls only): 8a-12p


Jenna graduated from Missouri College with a Dental Assisting degree in 2012 and has been a part of the Wentzville Endodontics family since 2013. She began here as a dental assistant and transitioned to the front desk in 2014. This cross training gave Jenna a well-rounded understanding of both the treatment and clerical side of Endodontics. She loves helping alleviate the stressors and anxieties associated with Root Canal Therapy; whether it be through explaining in detail the procedures we perform or assessing the financial responsibility of the patient. In her spare time Jenna enjoys playing with her two daughters and catching up on her current Netflix obsessions.